Frequently Asked Questions.
Connection and user account
1. How to login for the first time ?
There are two ways to login into CRUSOE application.
You have a RENATER Education Research Federation account, you can then use your identifer. Your account email will be used to send notifications such as a new report version available, adding a comment etc. To find out if an organization is part of the RENATER Education Research Federation, the user can search for it on
You have an ORCID account, you can use this connection mode. If you have not entered an email with public visibility in your ORCID account, you will need to enter an email immediately after your connection. Email is mandatory.
If you have neither a RENATER account nor an ORCID account, please note that anyone can register for free on
2. Can I login on the same user account with ORCID and RENATER ?
If you logged in for the first time with ORCID you had to fill in your email address in your profile. This email address must be your RENATER account email. if so you can use either ORCID or RENATER to login.
If you logged in for the first time with RENATER, you can fill in your ORCID in your profile. Once the information has been saved, you can use either ORCID or RENATER to login.
3. How to edit a user name?
The user name stored in CRUSOE comes from the authentication system used during the login, ORCID or RENATER. If the user name has been updated in the authentication system, an update will be made in CRUSOE during the next login.
Please note, for ORCID, the user name has the default visibility ‘everyone’ (green pictogram) when you create your account, you must keep this setting.
1. How to create a repository?
The creation of a new repository is done from the page which displays the existing repositories with the button ‘Create a new repository’ which is at the top of the page.
The button provides access to a form to record information about the repository (affiliation, keywords, URL, description). A list of pre-defined affiliations is provided, you can create another one if none of the proposed ones is relevant. This new affiliation will be added to the list of pre-defined affiliations.
The list of the people authorised to see the repository and the certification reports it contains or to modify them is also created or updated from this page.
2. How to manage affiliations?
When you edit a repository you have to choose an affiliation from the drop-down list. If you do not find the right affiliation you can create one with the + button on the right.
Please indicate the main institution or company your team is working for. You can mention the lab or department in the 'department" field.
Once an affiliation has been added you cannot update or delete it. However administrators may do it for you. Use the contact page and select the right motive.
4. What are the roles Editor, Contributor and Reader?
The CRUSOE application has 3 different user roles:
Editor (Rédacteur FR)
Can create, edit and delete a repository and all related reports. He/she can as well validate a report.
Contributor (Contributeur FR)
Can see the repository and edit its related reports. He/she cannot validate them.
Reader (Lecteur FR)
Can see the repository and read its related reports. He/she cannot edit a report but can add comments on any criterion.
Self-assessment reports
1. How to create a self-assessment report ?
A self-assessment report is associated to a CRUSOE "repository", in which it is stored. A repository can contain several self-assessment reports.
Users can choose to create a self-assessment report with the official English version or an unofficial French version of the CoreTrustSeal criteria, selecting the relevant version for his/her repository. Repositories with an application submitted to CoreTrustSeal before 2022, November 1st, use the 2020-2022 version of the criteria. Applications submitted from 2023, January 1st use the 2023-2025 version of the criteria.
The user can also start from an existing self-assessment report stored in the same repository or in another one to which he/she has access rights.
Certification reports are created with initial version number 0.1, except when they are created from a frozen self-assessment report.
2. Content of a self-assessment report
A self-assessment report contains criterion R0 and criteria R1 to R16. The information expected for each criterion are described in CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repository Requirements: Extended Guidance 2023-2025 ( ) or CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repository Requirements: Extended Guidance 2020-2022 ( ).
Criterion R0 provides the elements about your repository context. You are invited to select the elements which describe your repository characteristics in pre-defined lists: keep only the relevant elements in the lists and delete the others. You also have to include the texts required as defined in the Extended Guidance.
The elements to be provided for criteria R1 to R16 are described in the Extended Guidance , which also explains how to choose the self-evaluation level to be provided for each criterion. The criteria for 2023-2025 only have two self-evaluation levels, "In progress" and "Implemented", which correspond to Levels 3 and 4 of the previous version. Level 0 (not applicable) was also discarded. We decided to keep the four self-evaluation levels of the 2020-2022 criteria to enable repositories to begin to fulfill an application file early in the process and to visualise their progress. The value of the self-evaluation levels will have to be adjusted when the file is submitted to update the 3 and 4 values to "In progress" or "Implemented" respectively.
One can access the content of a criterion by clicking on it, or go from one criterion to the next using the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons. Please note that the text is recorded using a specific button which is at the bottom of the form.
Files (all formats accepted; maximum size 25 MB) can be attached for each criterion. They will be visible only by the people authorized to access the self-assessment report.
It is also possible to share comments about each criterion to facilitate the exchanges between the people involved in the preparation of a self-assessment report.
3. Can several people edit the same report ?
CRUSOE allows to assign several managers to a repository.
Just click on the repository edit icon (in the repositories list)
Then click on the + icon to add a new user.
Select a role Editor, Contributor or Reader.
The user will then be able to edit or read the different reports of the repository.
4. How to save a self-assessment report ?
It is strongly advised to regularly save the content of a report while working on it.
The report is saved from a button which is at the bottom of the form. Closing a criterion window does not save its content. It is up to the user to keep or change the version number when saving the document, and eventually to freeze it – it will then not be editable any more.
5. What are the possible report statuses?
Creation (Création FR)
A report has been created but was not saved in database yet.
Drafting in progress (En cours de rédaction FR)
The report has been saved. It can be updated. The work is in progress.
Frozen (Figé FR)
When you want to make a snapshot of a report state you can use the 'Freeze this version' button. Then the report can neither be updated nor deleted. This status is used to keep track of a report state during the self-assessment phase, or to keep the version submitted to CTS.
6. Versions of a certification report
Certification reports are created with version number V0.1. Self-assessment reports created from an existing frozen file are created with a higher version number (for instance 1.0 when the initial version is comprised between 0 and 1). Self-assessment files created from a ‘redaction in progress’ file are created with version V0.1.
It is up to the users to change the version number of a self-assessment report, by modifying it either in the relevant box at the top of the form or when they save the report content. There is no automated check of the version number of the reports which exist for a repository, thus users are invited to consult the list of reports for the repository to avoid creating a duplicate version.
8. Correspondance between the 2020-2022 and 2023-2025 self-evaluation levels
The 2020-2022 version of the CoreTrustSeal criteria displays the following self-evaluation levels:
0 - Not applicable
1 - The repository has not considered this yet
2 - The repository has a theoretical concept
3 - The repository is in implementation phase
4 - The guideline has been fully implemented in the repository
The 2023-2025 version has only two self-evaluation levels:
In progress: the repository is in the implementation phase
Implemented: the requirement has been fully implemented by the repository
These two levels correspond to Levels 3 and 4 of the previous version respectively. We decided to keep the four self-evaluation levels of the 2020-2022 criteria to enable repositories to begin to fill an application file early in the process and to visualise their progress. The values will have to be converted into the new system when the application will be submitted to CoreTrustSeal.
1. What kinds of notification are sent by the CRUSOE app?
Create a new user profile while adding a user on a repository
An Editor can add users on a repository. A user can be created in the system if he/she does not exist. If the email has been filled in (not mandatory if added from an ORCID) the new user will get a notification.
Add a user on a repository
An Editor can add users on a repository. The added user will receive a notification.
Remove a user from a repository
An Editor can remove users from a repository. The removed user will receive a notification.
Save a self-assessment report with a new version
Notify all repository users.
Freeze a self-assessment report
Notify all repository users.
Add a comment on a requirement
Notify all repository users.
No action on the self-assessment report after 2 months
Notify all repository users.